Sunday 17 August 2014

The meaning to it all...

Anu's Chatter......

With the songs of Govinda songs going around..I sit around listening to them..cannot move out as today is a holiday and the roads are all crowded to the hilt....I sat here writing my blogs and the  pending assignments but my mind wanders for the most part on the festivities going on and the reverberating noise......there is crowd that has gathered in the street across me and there is a pot that is hanging in the middle of rope That I can clearly see from my window........I am most part at the windows sipping my coffee and getting every inch exited about the gang that would go up creating the human ladder that would finally  take the guy to the top who would finally burst the pot ....I am waiting guys but I cannot but wonder about the meaning of it all...???? I cannot also miss out on the fact that it has brought about a feeling of togetherness...a colorful togetherness!

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