Saturday 30 August 2014

Blogathon blog---30

Anu's Chatter...

*Dear friends today is the last blog of this blogathon ..a journey --that was full of trials and was a very eventful blogathon though I must say as I  have posted a blog every single day no matter what ....I could not keep the promise to myself a couple of times as without my knowledge the machine started acting , as I sat to pound my thoughts and it all happened in the middle of the  night! ..... today as I drum away the keys for the last time I am feeling achieved!  I am happy I could keep it alive ........

*I had so many wonderful things to share because of the festive season and there was no  time because of which I could not....  but realized it would have been much easier  if I had the access to share my thoughts in pictures if not in words ( as the best memories  in life sometimes come in pictures not in words - always) ........ unfortunately my blog does not allow pictures to be posted..

*Infact when it was created I did not even think that I will blog on it actively !

*Now after the steady increase of my followers and the constant way I turn to it  to unburden ..... I see it as an undeniable part of my  life and existence! 

*So my promise to my self on this last day of blogathon is to make  it more visible, interesting, interactive and, and  accessible to pictures...! A big thank you to all for following me and  please please do not forget to post your comments! please? 

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